Rosalie was meant to be a large and self-contained story, but learning a lesson from Spider-Man 3, I decided to constrain certain elements to the first book and then use other books to explore more ideas. Laura Garfield is a character originally intended to appear in what was the second act of Rosalie but, in this book, she dominates, along with other female characters who transform into cars. I decided early on it would only be women who could turn into cars as a feminist superpower. This way, they are able to take on the all-male villains who resemble macho stereotypes of the patriarchy. This book introduces the idea of a female utopia, California, which Rosalie rejects in the end, in favour of seeking out revenge on The Cowboy. While this could be seen as the character giving in to their darkest instincts, instead, I believe it to be a psychological choice of Rosalie, confronting her own demons rather than taking refuge in a false solace.